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Diagnostic Kit for IgM/IgG 2 in 1 Antibody to 2019- nCoV (Colloidal Gold)
Time:2020-11-13     Hits:     Font:【Big Middle Small

Diagnostic Kit for IgM/IgG 2 in 1 Antibody to 2019- nCoV (Colloidal Gold)

【Test principle】

This diagnostic kit adopts the principle of colloidal gold immunochromatographic test strip to make qualitative test for 2019-nCoV IgM/IgG antibody in human serum,human plasma and whole blood samples.


This diagnostic kit is used for making qualitative test for 2019-nCoV IgM/IgG antibody in human serum, human plasma and whole blood samples. It acts as an early-stage aided diagnostic kit for clinical patients infecting 2019-nCoV, yet it is not the only standard for clinical diagnose.

【Sample requirements】

This kit is suitable for human serum (EDTA)anticoagulant, heparin anticoagulant,trisodium citrate dihydrate anticoagulant (1:9), human plasma and whole blood samples.

【Test method】

Put the test card on a dry and horizontal table, use micropipette to add 10ul serum or 20uL blood samples into sample-adding hole in the test card, and then drip two drops of sample diluent (70~ 100ul) into the hole. Observe the results within 10-15 minutes.

【Test result】

(1) C line appears red: negative; (2) Cline and G line appear red: refer to patients who used to infect the virus,yet now have recovered and develop antibody; (3) C line and M line appear red: positive, confirmed.

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